Inspiring Women in STEM

“Less Yes:  How Saying No Gets You Where YOU Want to Go”

Jayla Boire
The Right Idea


Delaware Bio and DESCA are excited to bring you this year’s
Inspiring Women in STEM Conference on Tuesday, November 15th.

Join us again to enjoy an action-packed, full-day schedule of professional development sessions that will engage and inspire you at any stage of your career. The program will feature forward-thinking presentations, informative panel discussions, audience participation exercises, and fun networking activities.

From practical advice on effective ways to navigate your career to the opportunity to learn from the experiences of successful women who have traveled remarkable journeys, you will come away with valuable and actionable ideas and guidance.

Please contact Britta (Benson) Marsden via email or at

DuPont Country Club
1001 Rockland Road
Wilmington, DE 19803

Hosting Organization:
Delaware Bio

November 15, 2016

8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.