Dr. Chandra Narayanan Lecture
University of Delaware alumnus Chandra Narayanan, director of analytics at Facebook, will discuss his journey from studying oceans to building data-driven products. A known innovator who applies advanced data tools on multiple platforms to solve complex business, scientific and technological problems, Narayanan will discuss his UD experience and the impact that education and training has had on his career. He also will share insights into the key skills and talents that are needed in the thriving high technology, data science and market strategy fields, as well as information about current employment opportunities at Facebook. Narayanan is currently head of analytics for Core App and Instagram at Facebook. He previously was a manager in risk management at PayPal. A question and answer session will follow the lecture.
Mitchell Hall
134 The Green
Newark, DE 19716
Hosting Organization:
University of Delaware
February 9, 2017
2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.