“What It’s Really Like To Be A Google Intern”
Michael Du
PhD Student; Computer & Information Sciences
ABSTRACT: Google is a leading technology company and a dream company to many. What is it really like to be an intern at Google? The life of working at Google will be introduced based on my summer internship experience. I will also give a brief introduction to my intern project on ads site classification for risk prevention (some details are confidential and will be not be released). How is the hiring process? How is the working environment? How is the food? and more.
<p> </p>”Working as a Ph.D. Student vs. as a Google Intern”
Gang Li
PhD Student; Computer & Information Sciences
ABSTRACT: What is it like to be working in a big company? What are the differences between that and the life as a Ph.D. student? Do I have to get up early and work 9-5? I have been curious about the answers to these questions for a long time, and finally had a chance to find them by myself, by working as a Google intern this summer. In my presentation, I will share my experiences and lessons learned during the internship, and highlight the different things compared to my Ph.D. study at UD. I will briefly talk about my intern project on named entity recognition, which used Google Brain and improved the performance significantly. Interview process and preparation strategies will also be covered, for those interested in Google internships next year. For general questions about internship and software engineering, I will try to answer as many as I can.
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DBI Room 102
15 Innovation Way
Newark, DE 19711
Hosting Organization:
University of Delaware
September 14, 2015
3:30 p.m.