Abraham M. Lenhoff

Gore Professor of Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering

University of Delaware

226 Colburn Lab
Newark, DE 19716-3110

Email: lenhoff@che.udel.edu
Phone: (302) 831-8989
Fax: (302) 831-4466

  • B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 1976
    M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1979
    Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1984

Research Overview:

Dr. Lenhoff’s research interests are in the areas of transport phenomena, separation processes, biophysics and bioengineering, and colloid and interface science. He has authored research articles that have appeared in leading chemical engineering, bioengineering, biophysics and colloid science journals, as well as in Natureand Science. He has also served on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and as a consultant to industry. He is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Chemical Society, and Biophysical Society.

Dr. Lenhoff is a recipient of the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship.